
Susan Hill : The Woman in Black

By Małgorzata Mikos - 13.9.16

         "The Woman in Black" is a horror novel from 1983, written in the style of a traditional Gothic novel. There's a few movie, TV and radio adaptations, but a stage play got the most success back.
   A stage play, adapted by Stephen Mallatratt had a premiere in 1987 at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough. In 1989 the production opened in London's West End and is still being performed there, becoming the second longest-running non-musical play in the history of the West End.
   The play has had an enormous success not only on the London stage, but also in many other countries around the world.

     "The Woman in Black" is a horror novel, a chilling, traditional ghost story, with a strong Victorian world.
     The story is simple from the first sight, but then, everything is changing and our thoughts about the story are changing too. During the whole book, we aren't sure what is real and what is only a dream, who is a real man and who is a ghost, what is good and what is true evil.
     "The Woman in Black" begins when Arthur Kipps, main character, leaves the room because of asking to tell some ghost story by his wife Esme and four stepchildren. After this strange situation, he is deciding to write his memories about staying in the cursed place and about all these things which happened in his life later. He is starting writing to forget, to kill his fear and all demons living inside him since these a few days in the desolate and secluded Eel Marsh House, situated on Nine Lives Causeway.
     Many years earlier, before the incident with ghost stories, Arthur Kipps was a young man from London and a junior solicitor for Bentley. One day he had to go to Crythin Gifford, a small town on the north east coast of the United Kingdom to attend the funeral of Mrs Alice Drablow and then sort out her affairs and check all important documents in her house.
      Most of the people in the town were reluctant to reveal information about Mrs Drablow and the mysterious Woman in Black, Woman who Arthur saw at a funeral. Later, after some time in the Mrs Drablow's house with screams, visions and other scary feelings, Arthur is discovering the identity of this Woman...
     And when he thinks, that everything what's bad ended when he left this cursed place, turns out how much he was wrong. After some time when he is coming back to London, Woman in Black is finding him and is taking something precious away from him - his family - as her, Woman in Black's vengeance.
          What happened on Nine Lives Causeway? And what with all these shouts and dark secrets?

Why you should read it

      "The Woman in Black" is a scary and wonderful story about fear, ghosts, nightmares and about human mind. So when you want to feel thrill of fear and thrill of excitement on your skin, this book is for you, because it has everything what you need if you want to read something really dark and really good.

Things to look out for

      How treacherous is our mind sometimes. Curiosity or fear - what has a bigger control over the man? What is happening with the man, when is losing everything?

The last word about the book

        "The Woman in Black" is a good ghost story so perfect time to read it is a night. The story is interesting so you are reading it quickly and you are pleased with every page, every next chapter. And don't forget about dark secrets and all these emotions of the main character - this book is epic.

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