
Neil Gaiman "The Ocean at the End of the Lane"

By Małgorzata Mikos - 18.8.17

      The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a stunning tale about magic. The narrator of the story is a lonely bookish seven-year old boy with no name, whose life takes a terrifying turn into a dark and creepy reality.
      Nobody suspects that a real magic is hiding in the small small town. nobody supposes that at the end of the road living three generations of women who are a enchanting blend of mythology, scientific meditation on the nature of the cosmos, and Platonic philosophy. Three of them are human embodiments of the phases of the moon, but they are far older than the moon.
             But one day is changing everything.
     The day when reality is i mixed with a dream, everyday life with the magic, and a normal world with other reality.
       When the Ocean is becoming a salvation. And when both of them, the boy and Lettie, must destroy the evil and restore the normalcy to the real world.

Why you should read it

        I could write here a lot of reasons why, but the reason that this book is a amazing story full of magic would be most important reason. Nowadays we need tales about good and evil, about magic and about true friendship. This book has everything what is the best.

Things to look out for

    What's more important – true or trust? The fact that almost always appearances are a lie, an illusion. Where exactly the reality is ending and a magic is starting?

The last word about the book

     The Ocean at the End of the Lane is a short book, a short story full of magic and you read it very quickly. And the good side of this book is that you can feel the one of the main characters of the story.

Neil Gaiman  is an English author of short fiction, novels, comic books, graphic novels, audio theatre, and films. Author of e.g.: Coraline, Stardust, American Gods, The Silver Dream.
You can find more information about him on his official page, official FB, Twitter.


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