The Fault in Our Stars isn't a nice, funny, light story. The Fault in Our Stars is about hard and sad moments, about death and about cancer; about teenagers who are fighting to be, to live, to see the next day. But also this book is about love without happy end, and about friendship, true friendship.
The Fault in Our Stars is one of most wonderful and most emotional books. Life, love, true friendship, fight - these things are creating the magic of the history. The most amazing thing it that even if it's about somehting sad this book is still wonderful. During reading of this book we are smiling reading something funny or nice in lives of characters, and we are really crying reading about their fight, sad and tragic moments...
The Fault in Our Stars is one of most wonderful and most emotional books. Life, love, true friendship, fight - these things are creating the magic of the history. The most amazing thing it that even if it's about somehting sad this book is still wonderful. During reading of this book we are smiling reading something funny or nice in lives of characters, and we are really crying reading about their fight, sad and tragic moments...
The book is about teenagers who have a cancer and they are fighting against ''their bad friend''. They are fighting to live, they are fighting for their plans for the future, which will never come. The story is about sad but amazing love, about true friendship, about death, about about hope. Finally it's about hard questions and choices.
The end isn't good or sad, because The Fault in Our Stars ends with Hazel accepting Augustus's letter with words: I do.
Why you should read it
Because this is not a nice book; this book is different. Bbecause it's about life, real life. Because this is not a sweet story with happy end. Because reading it you are thinking about own life. Because the end of this book isn't obvious. Because you can smile and cry in the same time. Because you can ask yourself, what would I do if I would be Hazel Grace, Augustus, Isaac.
Things to look out for
Relation between Hazel Grace, Augustus and Isaac - their converstations, favourite things, their thoughts, plans and dreams. Also the view of relation between healthy people and people with ''bad friend''.
The last word about the book
This book isn't only the book, it's something more. You should read in solitude to have time to think about the story and about own life.
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