
Michelle Richmond : No One You Know

By Małgorzata Mikos - 5.9.16

A story, after all, does not only belong to the one who is telling it. It belongs, in equal measure, to the one who is listening.
                                                                                            quote from "No One You Know"

       "No One You Know" isn't a nice and easy story. This story is like a puzzle, it's interesting and a bit dark like a morning fog when you are inside it and feeling good but a bit lost.
   "No One You Know" is a story of Ellie Enderlin, her family and the secret of her sister's death. Every day after Lila's death, Ellie is thinking almost all the time about that tragic day, about the murderer who is unknown and she's thinking about her sister because she is missing her. And one day, when she is thinking that finally everything is fine, she's fine with this whole situation, everything is returning in a flash.
      All demons from the past are returning - her sister's death, her love to a guy, who had to be the one for the whole life, all these secrets, people who know or knew her sister, the book about Lila's death...
      After twenty years from that tragic day, she is meeting Peter, who was somebody more than just a friend for her sister. And when there, in a small village in Nicaragua, Ellie is getting her sister's notebook from Peter, she knows that she must know, who killed Lila. She know that she must find the key, find the right answer for question: what happened that day?
     Who did it, who killed her sister? Peter, her boyfriend, about who Ellie didn't know earlier? Or maybe somebody else?
      For Ellie, reading Lila's notebook is like discovering a new world, a new person. There's a lot things about what she didn't know then and even after all these years. Day after day, she got to know that she doesn't know her own sister and that truth is really hard for her. And because of this notebook she finally see how much they were different...
       Page by page of this book we are witnesses of Ellie's small investigation and her guesses, about what happened that evening. But will she find out the truth?

Why you should read it
      This book is brilliant. The story in "No One You Know" is really interesting, surprising and to the last page of the book you won't know, who killed Lila and what happened that day, the last day of her sister life. The book has a bit of crime fiction, psychological novel and even a bit of romance, and maybe that's why "No One You Know" is so good.

Things to look out for
      The truth that we don't know everything about own family, close friends, people who we like or love. The truth that we have a lot of secret demons about which we don't have idea until something will happen. 

The last word about the book
      "No One You Know" isn't an easy novel; is a sad story about finding yourself and the truth about people you love. It's a story about fighing with own demons from the past. But because the story is fresh, new and interesting it won't let you stop reading until the last page and that's why it's good when you can read this book in solitude to have time to think about the story and about own life.

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