M.P. Tonnesen : Desert Skies, Rebel Souls

By Małgorzata Mikos - 10.4.18

     "Desert Skies, Rebel Souls" is a beautiful and emotional story of love, the greatest adventure and amazing journey of self-discovery. It's a journey into the unknown places, emotions, memories... war and peace - in your heart and in your world.

     One day, Olivia, a young woman from Denmark, decides to change her safe and nice life and find her own path, do with her life something good, something worth and her decisions lead her to the Middle East, to Israel. With two other Danish volunteers, Hannah and Lola, she lives in a small kibbutz somewhere in the wilderness and she must forget about the past, comfy life and everyday safety. With no parents, boyfriend and grandmother by her side, she must find herself in the new, dangerous World, her new home. Between working in the kitchen and cleaning toilets, she spends her free time on adventures, friendships, on discovering the new world around her and falling in love with a young Israeli, Chaim Rosen. This relationship is like the light between the darkness of international and cultural borders. They have to find the way to keep that love, even if everything is against them. Even if he will be committed to the army and live in dangerous and she will be back home sooner or later.
    Nothing lasts forever, even true love and wonderful life. The reality isn't nice for Olivia; she got stuck between countries and the right decisions when the love of her life is far away from her.
    One day, after all these good and bad times, she realizes that she does not belong to any place. any World.

     Will she find her own place to live? What will she do with her family in Denmark and her true love - Chaim? Will she be determined enough to fight and be who she wants to be?

Why you should read it

     "Desert Skies, Rebel Souls" is a bittersweet novel of passion, history, war and peace, borders, fighting for own life.  This is not only a romance but also a novel against the backdrop of Middle Eastern culture, politics, brutal reality, ideologies and conflicts. A rebellion against family, culture, society, ideology of war and normal life. The story of adventure, fate, life-changing decisions, fears, hopes, dreams.

Things to look out for

     Olivia's journey from a young girl into a woman, her self-discovery journey. The relation between Chaim and Olivia. All these wonderful descriptions of places and countries in the Middle Eastern region. Interesting characters. Bitter-sweet moments.

The last word about the book

    "Desert Skies, Rebel Souls" is like a desert wind on your skin. In the blink of an eye, you travel to a different world, far far away from what you know. Want or not, you become a part of this story, the story of faith, love, and bitter-sweet life. If you like stunning scenery, travels, exciting adventures and really beautiful stories - this book is for you.

Title: Desert Skies, Rebel Souls
Author: M.P. Tonnesen
Publisher: MiMO
Year: 2017
Pages: 256
M.P. Tonnesen is an award-winning writer and businesswoman living on the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. Author of: "The Cosmopolitan Islander" (2015) and "Desert Skies, Rebel Souls" (2017).

More info about  M.P. Tonnesen: official page, official FB, Twitter, Instagram.

"Desert Skies, Rebel Souls" official book trailer

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