Veronica Roth : The Fates Divide (Carve the Mark #2)

By Małgorzata Mikos - 16.5.18

     "The Fates Divide" is a sequel book to 'Carve the Mark".

     Don't worry, I won't say too much about the plot, in case there are any readers out there that haven’t read it yet.

      "The Fates Divide" opens as the action picks up where it left off in "Carve the Mark", reacquainting us with the characters and their situations. Cyra and Akos have formed a strong bond with each other, Ryazek is in prison. And Eijah still suffers from loss of his own memories. 
     Cyra and Akos and their friends and families, have all escaped the dangerous planet of Shotet and are flying towards somewhere safe. But tragedy occurs in the spaceship and their plan is changing. The news of Cyra's father, Lazmet Noavek – a soulless tyrant and killer, is alive is something unthinkable. The news about ruthless Lazmet and his plans is changing everything and giving them more panic and drama. The world is more established and a relationship between each character is more complicated than they can even think.
    They have to choose and make the right decision before will be too late. They know they have to try and stop him. Cyra and Akos are desperate to stop him at any cost. For Cyra, that could mean taking the life of the man who may – or may not – be her father.
    But can they do it, because their fates are telling otherwise? Will they be strong enough to fight with own demons and win? 
      Death follows step by step and problems grow page after the page. 

Why you should read it

     This book is a must-read for anyone who loves fantasy, YA fantasy books. So I recommend this book to any intrigued sci-fi readers.
     The story of "The Fates Divide" is great and unique. The story about a pair of unlikely friends and complicated relationship between them. It examines the idea of “fate” and challenges the idea that we do not have control over our own destiny.
Things to look out for
    Fate and own destiny.  Heartbreaking romance. Deep and dark political intrigue. Self-sacrifice. The point of view of Akos’ sister, Cisi, and Eijeh. Determination.

The last word about the book

     "The Fates Divide"? A tale of hope and love told in four stunning perspectives. A beautiful and bittersweet story about love, sacrifice, fight, finding own destiny.
    The first book was only of Cyra and Akos and the Shotet. "The Fates Divide" is something more. "The Fates Divide" is an amazing book with an epic ending.
In my opinion, we have two parts: first - calm, the second focused on trying to keep the imminent war from happening, with some interesting turns.
     If you read the first part, I can tell you one thing: don't worry, problems of the first book didn’t carry over to this one. This part is better, much better.
     Anyway, the writing style by the author is simply fantastic and extremely coherent, laced tightly with drama and action so you are reading the book quickly and with attention.

Can I tell you a secret? Yes... No... Maybe...
         Someone does die in the first 20 pages... and everything is changing. Again.

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